Liability Release

This section outlines a release of liability for the UBC Anime Club and Pop-Up Hanami staff and volunteers from all liability relating to injuries and or lost or damaged property that may occur during March 23rd, 2024 within the premises of Pop-Up Hanami. By entering Pop-Up Hanami, I agree to hold the UBC Anime Club and the Pop-Up Hanami staff and volunteers free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, and property lost or damaged regardless of whether such is caused by negligence and loss of possessions. I also acknowledge that my participation in any activity at the Event is voluntary. I further understand that some activities at the Event, such as but not limited to dancing or role-playing, have inherent risks and dangers, including but not limited to loss or injury to my person or property, and that as a condition of being permitted to participate in any activity at the Event, I must assume and accept all risks of harm, loss, or injury that may arise from or be related to participation in that activity. I hereby waive and release, indemnify and hold harmless the UBC Anime Club, Pop-Up Hanami planning committee, the volunteers, sponsors, performers, attendees and affiliates. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in any activity.

In the event of any injury or illness to me during my participation, I authorize the staff of Pop-Up Hanami or the security team to seek and obtain such emergency or medical services as may be deemed necessary at the time, but understand and agree that they shall not be obligated to do so.

I further acknowledge that I may be subject to being filmed or photographed at any time during the Event and hereby release the UBC Anime Club, Pop-Up Hanami and its legal representatives for all claims and liability relating to said images or video. Furthermore, I grant permission to the above-mentioned parties the right to use photographs and/or video images taken of me, or members of my family, for the purpose of publication, promotion and advertising, in any manner or in any medium.

Final Notice:

By entering the premises of this event and purchasing access I have read the above statements and hereby forfeit all right to bring a suit against the UBC Anime Club and any persons affiliated with Pop-Up Hanami for any reason. In return, I will receive the right to participate as an attendee in this Event. I will also make an effort to obey every safety precaution listed either in writing or verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.